
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Become a Member?

Booking a table at JustPlay Event costs £5 per play. Members enjoy heavily discounted pricing when playing regularly as well as other benefits!

What Games Can I Play?

Anything you like that can be played on a 6’x4′ gaming table (or smaller!). Most people play wargames by Games Workshop or other popular brands, but you’re welcome to play anything you like.

Will You Set Up The Board For Me?

Sure! Just let us know when you book what game you’re playing, and our friendly, knowledgable staff will have your table set up before you arrive.

What are the Additional Member Benefits?

As a Justplay Events member, you will also enjoy: 


  • 10% off all event tickets
  • Reduced private room booking costs
  • Reduced price venue hire for running your own events

Can I Cancel At Any Time?

Sure! Just head to your account, and click the cancel button. But we’re sure you’ll never want to leave!