In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, the planet Vordrax Prime was once a bastion of Imperial strength—a hive world of towering cities and sprawling manufactorums. Yet, without warning, a dark rot took hold. Whispers of corruption began to fester in the lower levels of its cities, spreading insidiously through the ranks of the populace and infecting the minds of Vordrax’s leaders. Before long, entire sectors succumbed, their loyalty swayed by the seductive promises of Chaos. The Imperium’s worst fears were realized: Vordrax Prime had fallen.
Now, it is a hellscape of twisted machinery and warped architecture, an unholy paradise for those who worship the Dark Gods. The skies burn with strange storms, and reality itself fractures as daemons bleed into the material world. The corrupted Governor, once a loyal servant of the Emperor, rules as a cruel puppet of Chaos, orchestrating horrific rituals that promise to plunge the entire system into a nightmare beyond comprehension.
In a desperate response, the Imperium has mobilized a strike force to reclaim Vordrax Prime. Space Marines, Astra Militarum regiments, and even the fanatic Inquisition converge, each with their own motives and secrets. Yet, Vordrax’s descent has drawn the eye of Chaos champions, warbands vying for dominance in the Emperor’s name—or for the dark glory of the Ruinous Powers.
As the campaign begins, your faction is thrown into a brutal struggle for survival. Will you purge the corruption and restore Vordrax Prime to the Emperor’s light? Or will you be consumed by the planet’s descent into darkness, your name lost to the annals of heresy?
In Vordrax Prime, loyalty is tested, faith is torn, and the line between redemption and damnation grows ever thinner.
10:00 – Doors open for registration.
10:15 – Day Brief
10:30 – Round 1 Begins
13:15 – Round 1 Ends, Lunch Begins
13:45 – Round 2 Begins
16:30 – Round 2 Ends
16:45 – Round 3 Begins
19:30 – Round 3 Ends, Results and Ceremony
19:45 – Home time
Prizing and Awards
There will be no prizes for winning this event, We will be offering an increased prize pool for Best Painted, Best Army and Most Sporting Player. There will be some additional spot prizes on the day, relating to the Narrative.